Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Veni Vidi La TIZI

Don't blame me if I haven't written all day!
Do not ask me why I have no shit to say!

Do you want me to whine about shit-talking Bush and Blair?
Or yesterdays' faggets with their never ending bitching at Martyrs Square?

Republican and Democrats bashing each other in America...
they both suck ass, Middle East policy never change neither their actions against Syria..

While the shit hit the fan Mr. Giraff is still clueless...
The guy doesn't know how to tame his dog, my little cousin's got more prudence..
Like 2pac, the Mukhabarat wanna see me dead...
They put prices on my head...
now I got two rottweiler and my Glock by my bed...
I am sick and tired of watching the world go by...
Watching events unfold having no say, being another fool that has to comply

The crowds so far have been too silent and sleepy...
Until I run the shit, I'll do Julious Ceasars verse with a minor change: "Veni Vidi La Tizi"


I am speechless... but I want to share with you this little verse from the Shit, the Great Nizar Qabbani, he sums up what I said and explains why they are all farts in the wind...

When you read this shit, make sure you stand up for two reasons:

-Celebreties walk on red carpet, Nizar Qabbani walks on toilette paper, because he's the shit..
-It took me half an hour to look for each letter on the damn keyboard, show some respect.

لا تقرأ شيئاّّ عن خرافات العرب
فحربهم ءاشاعة و سيفهم خشب
و حبهم خيانا و عشقهم كذب



Anonymous Anonymous said...


What can I say? You are funny, you are impressive as write and read poems too? you never answered me about being my One and Only?


Mrs. O.D.M

11:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so true..

2:17 PM  
Blogger Innocent Criminal said...

I dont think that was a poem randouch. thats whats called soma ov that ol' gangsta shit. westside, but u still need to work on the beats...they are off.


2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can you please translate this?

"لا تقرأ شيئاّّ عن خرافات العرب
فحربهم ءاشاعة و سيفهم خشب
و حبهم خيانا و عشقهم كذب"

Thank you,

5:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking for information and found it at this great site...

12:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking for information and found it at this great site... »

1:58 PM  

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