Sunday, July 30, 2006

What are the Saudis Doing with their Money and Arab Ass?

Saudi Arabia Donates More than 6 Million Dollars to LSU (Louisiana State University)

Saudi Arabia Buys more than 5bn Dollars worth of American Weapons and Systems

Saudi Arabian Ruling Government can eat my poop

There was a time when having an oil embargo was an option on the table…

There was a time when people used to look for a Saudi influence in the region…

Seriously, I am mentally constipated, creatively de-motivated, and emotionally disturbed-fuckingdated…

All I can say, is that, Saudi Arabia State of America, the Arab world………

I am speechless, I can’t write anymore….


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forrowing the current war in Lebanon, Saudi arabia offered about 1.5 BILLIONS to Lebanon

So you can put your poop somewhe else... somewhere closer...

9:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

coz lebanon need this money now to get back to where it was before, and we know we wont be getting it from syria, for example.

9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lak even with all the Lebanese sucking cock to get money they are still hating on Syria?

No Syria doesn't have the money...nor does every lebanese hooker who finds a khaleeje wearing adishdasha to pay for her boobs.....

If Syria had the money it would have bought all of your politicians, and briberd all thiese khalijiii assholed...

but it doesn't so it has to maneuver politically...with what it has....

and with such a weak army, and no is really fucking impressive what it can do...

It can turn your country into hell in a simple phone call!

"Hassoun...make those jews angry please, will you?"

2:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mmm ok maybe it wasnt 1.5 billions but a hell lot more then all other countries.

8:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! »

3:46 PM  
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10:37 PM  

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