Thursday, October 27, 2005

Sappy Mofos

US, France push Syria sanctions
United Nations must act on Syria - Bush
Bush Repeats Call for UN Action Against Syria
Syria's dissidents unite for a change
Rice won't rule out attack against Syria
Subject : US warns Iran, Syria against interference in Iraq
The Pressure Mounts on Syria, but Israel May Still Pay the Price
The Invasion of Syria?
Syria continues process of Bird Flu exploration
US and France to take serious steps against Damascus if implicated
More Pressure Looms for Syria
Pressure Mounting on Syria

I am sad, yet I am happy. I am happy, yet I am sad, therefore I am “Sappy”

Happy (愉快)

I am so happy that something finally triggered all of us Syrians, as every minute passes, people are asking how? Why? Where?

Happy to know that Syria will not be the same country by the end of 2006.
Happy to know that whatever happens next, Syrians will never allow anybody to deprive it of its rights, and by rights I mean more than the right to go to work, come back, eat and sleep...We are hungry Disobedient mofos.. we were entrapped in a cage that deprived us from doing something that we never thought we could do..

I am happy that the internet, TV channels, and all the changes around this flaming Middle East have let us Syrians know, that at the first chance we get, we will stand up for our rights.

Sad (哀伤)

I am sad that we have to hear about democracy and rights from the two countries that have the same respect for freedom and democracy as I respect a cow. I like cows, but if its meet can fill my belly up a little until dinner, I’d eat it.
I am sad to see that there are actually people who really believe a bunch of elites, who shape world politics from in one meeting, and decide on millions of people’s fate in one decision over a drink or coffee.
Had Norway or Switzerland’s Foreign Ministers bashed our regime all day, I would have understood…but to have Rumsfeld, Rice and Monkey-Lipped Bush criticize Syrian policies, it pisses me off.

I do not want to go through why I have no trust in American Foreign Policy; you can read my previous posts on American Policy.

SYRIA: What next

O.D.M is pretty sure that the average Abu Samra the Syrian Samman (grocery shop owner) knows not more than four things about America:

-It is far
-George Bush is President
-America is an imperialistic and Zionist country
-they make a lot of porno movies

The above three are true in many ways but what Abu Samra doesn’t know is that his ass is grass and the Syrian government is the lawn mower.

Abu Samra doesn’t know that his soon-to-be-more-broke-ass is in trouble; whatever he has been brought up to believe is like Mermaid, beautiful, but impossible to see. Everything: Pan Arabism, Syrian Nationalism, Well-Being, Stability, Peace of Mind, sound Economics…..etc are nothing but like farting in the wind, or as we say in Arabic “Draat al Blaat”

O.D.M knows a little bit more than Abu Samra, and probably you. And I am telling you, Syria is in a situation like you are getting sucked into quick sand, but this time it is getting sucked into quick shit.

All of us shouldn’t be sad… The imperialists, Zionists or whatever you want to call them are here to stay, and as long as we are just like dumb sheep in our countries we can never do anything about it. What we should do is capitalize on what the hell is happening.

this Regime's time is up Disobedients.

No, no…don’t just read and nod like your reading your zodiac! pay attention!


Why, all of you Disobedients may ask:
I say because the countdown has begun when the Mehlis Report was out.

The Mehlis Report findings, believe it or not, make as much difference as the difference of whether to wash our hands after taking a piss or not. It is irrelevant. To all of you non-obsessive Compulsives, not washing our hands or washing our hands makes no difference; we are just washing to prevent something that you can’t see, viruses and dirty ass microbes. A lot of people don’t wash their hands, including O.D.M, and they are just fine. But, had there been a highly contagious Diarrius-Cerebrum (Brain Diarrhea) virus in the bathroom vicinity, you will get that damn virus whether you take a bath in sulphuric acid or just wipe piss sprinkles on the side of your pants.

What does Diarrhea and what does Syria have to do with washing hands after a piss?

The decision was made, Syria’s regime has to change, or change its policies. This is like the Brain Diarrhea virus in the bathroom, whether the Mehlis report is positive or negative, the decision has been made i.e. the virus is already there.

The World Decision Makers (WDM), who also can be WMDs if you change the order of letters, have made up their mind: Syria’s time is up.

You can identify WDM’s as whoever you want…Israel/U.S.A/ Monte Negro….etc

Capitalizing on this means that we should ask our Governments for change, especially now, when the world is watching and we have a lot of support.

One commenter on this blog wrote a simple sentence, he said: ” believe it or not, but we need a president like Sharon”

We definitely need somebody like Sharon, maybe not as ugly. This fat mass of shit cares about his country so much, he keeps on influencing world policies to best fit his national interest, he cares for Israel. How many of us care about Syria? Many, how many of us would do anything for Syria? NONE.
Not pissing in the street corner next time you walk isn't caring for Syria. Standing up and asking for your right is caring for Syria.
Are we ready to do the impossible for our country? Maybe, but not alone.

Here is where O.D.M and his Civil Disobedience Ultimatum fit in the equation.


Syria now bought itself some time, but during this time, the regime is getting weaker by the hour. More and more people will be requested for interviews, many of them will be implicated, and Bashar will be watched closely until he makes some changes.

The Civil Disobedience Movement should mobilize its members, and demonstrate and begin its first phase of its plan, a silent march in the streets. About 3000 Syrians in the streets, marching quietly, asking Bashar for reforms, message is simple:

“You stay our president, we want the Parliament”

By Parliament I mean a fully functioning decision making system, not a clapping room where we clap every time we hear “Assad” or “Baath”...

Through emails, word of mouth, text messages, and soon, after some funding, TV/Radio/Internet ads... People will understand that this option is the only viable option; we get a Parliament, which is some say in Syrian Politics, we keep our president and therefore stability and we practice something that we have never done before, Democratic decision making.

Who wouldn’t want this? Opposition? Regime Supporters? Abu Samra? Who the hell wouldn’t want stability, but with more but limited decision making? All regime supporters will know that by this, they will shut the international community and Syrians up for a while, and keep their seats (for a bit more).

What if the Regime ignores or refuses?

That’s when we set our ultimatum:

“Give us the Parliament by February 15th, or face mass Civil Disobedience”

Civil Disobedients deposes regimes, creates history. When people don’t go to work, don’t pay taxes; don’t respect the Government, and refuse to identify with this government.

What are the Authorities going to do in this case? Imprison 50,000 people at a time? Kill hundreds? I doubt it, especially in the current circumstances. Get of your ass, call your friends, send them emails, tell him about my movement, take action, quit being a @#$23 and do something for your country.

Write your comments; let me see how much support this moevemnt has. Screw foreign created political parties, screw instability, fuck Western intentions…let’s create a better Syria from within.

Syria Forever


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be careful, a dying regime (or rabid dog) can inflict alot of harm as it goes dow nthe drain.

We have seen this repeatedly, and sadly as you state, the Syrian people have not been known to "stand up" for much...

Time will tell, but I like the comment about Sharon it is true -- a leader like Sharon is needed.

Not happy you dont wash your hands though.

12:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Syrian people have always been in the forefront of standing up.

But when Hafez kills 50,000 people in 2 days, and iprisons over half a million people with every other country in the world turns a blind eye, people would be scared.

Ask any Syrian, he will tell you that he has a relative that is either in prison, or was in prison.

I'm with you O.D.M...Disobedience seems to be our only solution, I hope it becomes a real movement, rather than just an idea.

12:17 PM  
Blogger Mr.B said...

happy to see you're back!

4:42 AM  
Blogger Mr.B said...

If you want something, work for it. If that something is in the hands of someone else, ask for it.

5:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think things are not as simple as you like us to imagine,and here is how:
1)The Americans and Co. have asked for the impossible from this so called regime. They have given BASHAR AL ASSAD a rope to hang himself with.They know that he will not and could not deliver, because if he does so ( IF HE COULD ) he would be committing suicide.

2)The present MAFIA rulling Syria is too committed and the stakes are too high to give up easily,and follow logic. They are used to absolute power and logic never was part of their policy. There was no logic in turning Syria into a piece of real estate,to be passed down from father to son while retaining the REPUBLIC title.
There was or is no logic in seeing the bearer of the flags of SOCIALISM, amass huge fortunes from their illegal pursuits.
If they were to use logic in getting out of this (DAM IF YOU DO AND DAM IF YOU DON'T) situation, What would logic tell them ????
IF YOU DO ....
You will be ZILT .
You can run but you can't hide???
Now using their illogical mined.
We will go for SOLD.... to use the gambler term when he is faced with bad luck sitiuation. Yes SYRIA will be invaded and hell will break, partition of Syria today will take place to become CANTONS.
Yes so what ??? When the shit hits the fan, they are sure of one thing AN ALAWITE STATE !!! A peice of the PIE.Why??? because of that they have been assured and they have the ACE IN THE HOLE.


8:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last Anon,

I agree with the notion that syria's shit hit the fan, not only politically. But I also love that sentence.

However, the stakes are too high for the regime NOT to give up a little. Because if they didn't, the pressure will be tripled.

I expect major changes in Syria, especially if we ask for reforms from within.

White Power!

2:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To O.D.M
Peaceful resistance, and civil disobedience!! The success of Such powerful weapons in resisting tyrant regimes require peoples with BOllS the like of the present Syrians do no longer have.Forty years of Assad rule has left them castrated, replaced their brain's NEURONS with MORONS.The tyrant new how to work on them, with great success. He squezed all goodness out of them, and left them the shadow of men they used to be.He worked on them to rearrange their prorities.Long queues for everything,from their daily bread, to the simplest duty as paying the electricity bill ( Whenever they had electricity ), so they will have no time to think and reflect.
By making them poor he bankrupted them morally.The father could not face up the truth and dare to ask his daughter FROM WHERE DID SHE GET THE EXPENSIVE DRESS, SHOES,AND BAG SHE WAS WEARING. Bribery and corruption became a way of life. In the old days tipping the waiter in restaurant could have been considered by most an insult. BABA Assad became the father for all the young generation without a question asked or an eyebrow raised. Syrians woke up every morning on BABA Assad smilling at them and went to sleep with BABA Assad on their mineds. Every where they dare to look!!! he was there. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING.
When he left, he made sure that his legacy remain.
No my friend!!! Our salvation has to come ( Fortunately or unfortunately ) from outside, we are in no position to do it ourselves. No matter how much shity the consequences are, we have eaten shit of the ALLAWITES for the past forty years let them take their shit back to their mountain at least for forty years. Anyone who say or even think otherwise is not being truthful with himself.

2:28 AM  
Blogger O.D.M said...

Last Anon,

Agree with all you said, but one point. Change from outside.

Myself, I consider myself western educated, I haven't been fed propoganda in the mouth like 90% of all Syrians. But I can tell you, the more I learned about this country (U.S.A), the more I figured out how messed up its foreign policy is. Maybe after all it is not that bad, because Bush looks after America at any cost, but he screwed us up.

The point is, no syrian will allow anything that comes from the west.We have been drinking mandarin cola instead of coca cola for God's sake, how about getting a political party nourished by the Americanns? I think they will never be accepted in syria.

This is the time that we should voice our opinions, this is the time when we capitalize on the current situation, more and more Syrians are seeing on TV and internet that there is revolution, that in some countries, all it takes is one demonstration for a whole regime to cripple. They are learning that the October 1973 war was nothing but a total loss...

Today, Syrian are not like the 80's and 90's Syrians, they are not as scared. Believe me.

The Civil Disobedience Movement in my view is the only option that no Syrian would disagree with. Change without messing with stability.

8:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Civil disobedience can be seen in action in east europe countries. In most cases it seems the gouvernement needs to be already weak and there may come some amount of foreign support.
But anyways, you know how the saying goes: if you dont try it you'll never know if it would work.

1:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a pychological war.

1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New UN resolution passed concerning syria:

12:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. football tickets eyewear shop holmes color check humidifier air filter

8:05 PM  

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