O.D.M on Harriri and Assad
O.D.M has pounds of beef with Botox Harriri. But I do owe him condolences for his father, and also would like to congratulate him for his recent freedom from our dysfunctional regime.
Howfuckingever, I do not appreciate him dissing the Syrian people. To all of you who say he has only attacked the Syrian regime, I say, go tickle your pickle somewhere else.
Beside having his eyebrows and mouth botoxed, when this guy speaks he triggers the last phase of my digestive process...
Him and Bashar are alike, both with no charisma, both are very dumb, and both laugh at their own jokes.
People who laugh at their own jokes have a problem that I have documented in the early 2000's, a syndrome that I call Lackoparentinosis.
Lackoparentinosis is identified when people, like Mr. Assad and Harriri, excessivly laugh at their own jokes, granted that nobody else finds it funny.
For example:
Christian Amanpour of CNN asks Bashar Assad:
"Do you fear a U.S attack on Syria?"
Bashar replies: "No, are they afraid of us* ? HAHAHAHAHAHAdhsk"
*Bashar lisps, so please read "s" as "th"
Another Example,
Pussy-Lipped Harriri was answering a reporter who asked him how he is going to govern Lebanon from overseas, since he's been away for more than 6 months, his answer was:
"I am away, but my mind is close, you know...telepathy! HAHAHAHAKASHDLKSD"
Lackoparentinosis is directly linked to lack of parenting.
When your 13 year old kid, who has no sense of his physical weight or how ugly he looks with his two front teeth missing, comes running to you with some stupid joke and tries to hug you and sit on your lap with his big ass, SLAP HIM backhanded! so he can remember your slapping posture afterwards and always realize that he is not that cute pre-puberty cute kid.
A backhanded slap will never be forgotten, unlike the traditional one.
Kids need not be spoiled, if you laugh at every joke your kid says or try to make him feel good by lying and saying he is funny, he/she will develope severe complexes that cannot be reveresed.
Effects may vary, even though both of our subjects, Bashar and Harriri have developed severe Lackoparentinosis, their side-effects are different... And more and more side effects are being discovered until now.
Harriri's oily glands in his facial zone "T" have countered by producing botox, this is why the guy is like Hantsu, your next door Asian grocery owner: No facial expressions, you don't know if they guy is laughing, mad, or is just struggling with conctipation...Hariri is worst than Hantsu, because the mofo's neck doesn't move as well.
Bashar, on the other hand has the lisp side effect.
I would like to tell Harriri, Anti-Haircut Junblatt, and that malnutritioned owl GeaGea:
I don't know about Harriri, but I know about the last two of you. You know what I know, and I know what you know, and you know that I know what you know.
You are a bunch of flip flopping-ass licking-back stabbing-opportunity-seeking-mother-fucking crooks..And all Syrians know that, especially with ShumDraat (Fart Sniffing Junblat)..the fact that Harriri and GEaGEa hold hand with him as he is dissing Syria makes all of them crooks, and pisses all Syrians off.
Instead YA DIPSHITS, when you have so much media covering your one year anniversary that you turned into a Gay Parade you gay ass sons of bitches, talk to the Syrians. As you gay three hold hands under a rainbow and are cussing Bashar out..ask Syrians to stand up for their right...tell them what the power of the masses can do you stupid ass little piglets.
That's why you are dumb politicians and Lebanon would never make it with you but-cracks in power..it would have taken two words to raise hell deep in your enemies terretory... A lot easier than Saad Harriri brown nosing Bush and his 40 followers. A lot easier than the 5 million dollar grant to Syrian opposition.
The end of our regime is coming however...and my Disobedient-2 is almost out.
Syria Forever,